CII Case Law @ the EPO

Categorization of Messages – T 1316/09 – 18 December 2012

In this decision, the Board considers the technical effect, i.e. categorization of electronic messages is more efficient and better, to be speculative. Object of the Invention: method and a system for suggesting automated responses to an incoming electronic message based on content analysis and categorisation Board I (inventive step): a...

Text mining/BOEING – T 1416/06 – 24 April 2009

In this decision the board considers the data does not form a physical entity. Object of the Invention: the subject matter is directed to a method of representing a document collection the method is to a large extent defined in terms of equations the purpose of the method is to...

Image classification / STMICROELECTRONICS – T 1148/05 – 27 May 2009

In this decision, a method of image classification was claimed. The Board assumed that all features contribute to the technical character and that the sufficiency of disclosure was given. Object of the Invention: image classification method for classifying digital images into photographs, texts, and graphics conventional heuristic methods implemented by...

Semi-automatic answering/3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES – T 0755/18 – 11 December 2020

This decision is about the output of a machine learning algorithm. The output of the algorithm is more accurate here compared to the prior art. However, this is not a reason that the output automatically serves a technical effect. The output therefore does not automatically lead to non-technical features making...

Equivalent Aortic Pressure/ARC SEIBERSDORF – T 0161/18 – 12 May 2020

This decision concerns an invention involving machine learning. The Board of Appeal ruled on the need to disclose training data in a patent application. Object of the Invention: use of an artificial neural network to transform the blood pressure curve measured at the periphery into the equivalent aortic pressure Claim...

Stock index/NASDAQ – T 1161/04 – 6 December 2006

In this case, the responsible board decides in particular whether input data is functional data / a physical entity or simply cognitive data. Object of the Invention: Claim 1 relates to an apparatus for rebalancing a stock index stock indexes are used to track the performance of a group of...