CII Case Law @ the EPO

Concept terms scoring/GOOGLE – T 0872/19 – 14 October 2021

In this decision, the appellant stated that a “web page” is a physical entity, corresponding to an “image”. The Board has considerable doubts about this. In fact, the inventive step did not depend on this. Object of the Invention: the subject matter relates to online advertisement auctions when an online...

Edge Detection – T 0165/ 12 – 6 July 2017

In this decision, the Board found that the description of the main request did not support the claim, as the description disclosed only one specific example of a merely general feature (“first phase congruency component”). In an auxiliary request, the appellant overcame this rejection, but the claimed subject-matter is still...

Character Recognition – T 135/92 – 15 May 1992

This decision concerns a method for image data. The competent chamber considers the object and solution to be technical. Object of the Invention: automatic scanning and identification of unknown characters (of image data) in a first stage, different sets of logic tests are used for the identification of characters; were...